There is no denying that cosmetic dentistry is one of the most attractive dental specializations these days. Competition for places in it tends to be stiff, in dental schools that allow their students a free hand at picking what to specialize in (which is pretty much all dental schools nowadays). To a person who got into dental school administration recently, this would seem all too natural. But to a person who has been in the system for any considerable period of time, this is in fact a very interesting trend because just a few years back, cosmetic dentistry was actually one the specialties that used to struggle to attract any specialists.It may be a good idea, at this point, to mention something as to cosmetic dentistry is all about, for the benefit of those who may be encountering the term for the very first time. And as it turns out, cosmetic dentistry is the branch of dentistry that concerns itself with aesthetics, or dental appearances, as it were. Worth keeping in mind is that one of the first things that we tend to notice about a person, and one of the things that go a long way towards determining how a person is rated in terms of ‘looks’ is their teeth. Even if you are as handsome or as beautiful as what, as long as your teeth don’t look great, you tend to find yourself being considerably relegated, as far as the ‘cuteness’ ratings go. Conversely, even if you may not be that good looking in other respects, as long as your teeth look perfect, you find yourself already winning admirers, on account of your teeth alone. Yet, these are not just ‘cuteness’ matters that should only bother teenagers, but rather things that have been known to influence serious matters (such as job recruitments). This is where a person who keeps on missing out on jobs comes to realize that the reason they are being shunted aside has to do with their teeth. It may be a case of teeth coloring (in most places, good looking teeth are considered to be those that are pristine white) or it may also be a case of teeth misalignment. But it greatly affects how others perceive you, and they are the sorts of things that cosmetic dentistry can help with.So, having seen what cosmetic dentistry is all about, it is time to go back to our exploration of the allure that the discipline has had in recent days.And as it turns out, one of the greatest attractions in cosmetic dentistry (if we are to be honest) lies in the fact that this is the area in dentistry where the real money is, nowadays. We are living in an extremely image conscious society, where a person’s happiness and success depend a great deal on how they look – and for that reason, people are willing to pay a premium (to professionals like the cosmetic dentist), to help them look better. Even where the question of premium payments does not arise, there is no denying that the number of patients a cosmetic dentist is likely to be getting today is huge, so that the volumes make up for the margins.But beyond monetary matters, there is also the fact that, in many people’s opinion, cosmetic dentistry is one of the areas in dentistry (and medicine at large) where the practitioner gets the opportunity to give her patients real happiness – almost literary. The people who approach the dentist are, at the deepest level, looking for happiness; and it is greatly satisfying when you can help them in that regard.Then there is also the fact that cosmetic dentistry is one of the least gory specializations in dentistry: one where the practitioner mostly concerns themselves with thing like teeth whitening, correcting mild teeth alignment issues and such other less haranguing aspects of dentistry. This is attractive to some people (especially those who, crudely put, are not very courageous) – and who would be afraid of the specializations where one has to extract bone, spill blood and cut through flesh on a day to day basis.
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How Efficient Content Marketing Pays Off an Organisation?
The power and dominance of content has increased manifold in the recent years, as content has the ability to transform a business completely. There are many companies that are producing content over decades, and they are still doing it. This is mainly because of tremendous benefits possible from content, provided it is marketed in a correct way. There are many factors that are required to be considered in doing appropriate content marketing.As for example, it is important that the content to be marketed should be targeted to specific audience, and it should provide relevant message to the target audience selected. It is also important that the content to be produced should be free from any kind of errors, and it should also refer to facts and figures, so that its overall authenticity can be proved to the intended target audience. The content to be marketed should have the potential to be sharable because social media has a significant impact in making content available to intended target audience easily. The selection of appropriate marketing medium is important, as the use of article and blog posting sites such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Huffington Post provides a good platform to reach millions of visitors, and the trust factor on the content posted on these reputed sites is also higher. By way of considering these strategies, it can become possible to do content marketing in an efficient way.According to Alex Ionides, there are different important ways in which efficient content marketing pays off an organisation. The benefits from content marketing are far better as compared to the benefits possible from traditional marketing methods utilised by most of the organisation. The most important reason for which content marketing is attracting more and more of attention is because people have shown interest towards online media such as social media, blogs and websites in order to gather relevant information. The medium such as television is not considered as the primary source of getting information especially by the younger generation of people. There is increasing level of trust shown by people especially on content in order to make relevant decisions. Content marketing has been emphasised more because it is not only attractive, but it has also been beneficial in generating significant amount of revenue. The prediction with respect to the revenue generation from content is expected to the voice US dollar 300 billion by 2019. This indicates the possibility of generating positive returns from doing content marketing in an efficient way.Content marketing is beneficial in the sense that it accounts for less effort and cost as compared to outbound marketing strategies applied for marketing businesses. At the same time, content marketing also accounts for generating higher leads as compared to outbound marketing strategies applied by organisation. There are thousands of promotional messages that are used by companies in order to target their customers. However it becomes annoying for people and they do not respond to any of those promotional messages that are placed in front of them, and simply ignore them. What they prefer actually is non intrusive content that they can easily access and rely on. With this strategy of content marketing, it can be possible to build a good customer base and at the same time, it helps in developing the brand profile as well. However it is important to intelligently pitch the content among the target intended audience through different channels, in order to achieve better pay off from content marketing strategy. The use of social media, email marketing, info-graphics, and also the consideration of video in providing relevant information is important, from the point of view of seeking the attraction of intended audience.Content is also highly valued by search engines like Google, and it pays significant importance to unique and quality content. Websites and blogs that provide unique and relevant content have better chances of getting indexed in major search engines, and this provides a good platform to marketers in reaching the intended target audience. However the content strategy needs to be right so that it’s easier for the search engine to index and promote it at the top to allow users to easily access to it. The conversion rate is also significantly higher among the customers in selecting a particular product over others after being informed through relevant and appropriate content. According to a study, 77% of people read online reviews before making a decision to purchase a product. They rely mostly on reviews rather than on the word spoken by sales people. The decision to purchase a particular product is highly influenced by the reviews seen by them across different online platforms. Getting positive reviews is therefore an important strategy from the point of view of doing efficient content marketing.With search engines supporting unique and relevant content, and people looking for authentic information, businesses should focus on targeting these areas to promote their content. Content marketing is an important strategy for businesses to achieve a great level of success. The probability of achieving multifold benefits in higher in case of content marketing as compared to traditional outdoor marketing strategy provided it is applied strategically.Further details on marketing strategies can be accessed at:
5 Strategies for Effective Brand Building
Planning to start a business? Wait! Are you ready for everything that it asks for? By everything, I literally mean “everything”, be it the money factor, a team of workers, business advertising, business branding, and what not.It’s not only about a business; you need to pre-plan things every time you plan to do something new. Now that it’s about your business, varied factors can influence it apart from the capital, space and a team of personnel. You need expertise in the field you are entering. If you have the same, of course, you won’t face any problem commencing the work, but you might not be able to manage all the things all the time either.Running a business is not child’s play. You will need to heed numerous aspects of your business and focusing on all of them all by yourself may/will mean losing your grasp on your business. I can bet you will never want to lose the charisma of your expertise while you want to remain in a particular domain.Why take a chance? Maintain a healthy balance among all the facets of your company while not letting your expertise lose its magnetism. You must be thinking “how will I manage to do it on my own”. Easy! Raise the business standards – both for your team and your own self.A trademark was all a business needed earlier to become recognizable. But, the same can now be a problem – a big one. It’s very much clear. Do you think about a company’s trademark anymore? I’m sure, not (neither do I). Then, what is that is working for the companies’ betterment and promotion, and making different enterprises renowned brands?Yeah! It’s the market presence. The more you make your company known to people around the world, the more likely it is to be a leading firm, enjoying a great market share.Well, today it is (literally) next to impossible to build a brand sans advertising it, publicizing it, and before the same, building an ethical business approach targeted at achieving complete customer satisfaction.If not with a trademark or logo, how to build the brand? This is certainly a good and rather, a big question that most businessmen are finding an answer to.Brand building is no more only about redesigning the logo of your company, but has come a long way from the same. First understand what your customer wants in terms of quality, value and experience, and then make all possible endeavors to reach out to him. You have every right to let him know that your business can fulfill all his requirements.Each brand, whether big or small, wants customer satisfaction on priority. Of course, if you make a sketch, you will not judge or rate it yourself. After a business is planned with its stratagem designed properly, its end products will only be judged by a customer, who may/may not turn into a paid client, eventually deciding on a brand’s reputation. Customers’ trust means customers’ loyalty, which gradually increases your business’s potential to take the limelight and outshine its rivals in the market.Let’s have a look at some strategies that will help you build your brand in an easy, effective and transparent manner. But, before that, let’s better understand the term branding.What is branding and how to make the first workable step?Branding, in simple words, is an advertisement or promotion of a company. Advertising campaigns and promotional events are vital to spread the word about a business, followed by event sponsorship, which improves the brand equity. Brand equity is a term coined for describing a brand’s value in the marketing industry.Products expire after a certain time period, but brands last longer. Branding is converting innovative ideas into a memorable experience. When branding is done for a business, credibility is gained by that business, which automatically drives more and more number of customers to it.Why not SEO only?What branding does is possible through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) too. But, branding is suggested alongside SEO, because only branding can help enhance a company’s online presence. One chance may be that you just want to bag a few dollars/pounds, and do not have any other aim to start a business. The other may be that you want to earn name and fame and earn your business good reputation in the “popularity game”. In the latter case, SEO alone cannot get you a huge traffic. However, the same might get you high ranking in the search results with a few workable keywords. Here comes the need for branding.Let’s switch to some major brand building strategies now.First of all, you need to spread awareness about your brand to ensure its success in the long run.1. Ensure everything from a Great Logo to Target Audience-When you plan to do branding to take your business to new heights, keep in mind a few things – where do you want your brand to reach, how people should view it and what its main focus is. Make the brand worth being lived by your customers and in order to do so, know your customers well.First of all, make a smart choice of colors for the logo and everything about your brand. Colors should be such that people do not find an excuse to forget it. Besides, the logo plays a vital role in helping any brand make a mark. Thus, hire an expert professional to get your company’s logo designed in a way to leave a lasting impression on your clients.And now when you have finalized a logo for the brand, let it be accompanied by a few words that people keep on reminiscing every now and then. Give it a tagline that defines your brand in pithy.2. Following Ethical Approach with Targeted Audience in Mind-Design an ethical approach to run the business operations. If you serve customers the way they want, they would later reflect on your brand for sure. Thus, decide how you want them to see you and how you will present your brand in an efficient manner in the public. Ethics should be your priority; do you keep it the same?Your team of professionals is who you can eventually owe part of your success to. Get your employees involved in most of the tasks, for they have their own different way of working as per their perception and outlook toward the business values and operations.While they do so, just instruct them on how to keep customers’ requirements in mind so as to meet them in a proficient and satisfactory manner. It is your targeted audience that will turn into paid clientele and therefore, you need to carefully judge who will be those people looking for your products the most.3. Creating and maintaining a Big Social Circle-Besides working for your customers, you must also work to reach out to them to know them better and maintain long-term relationships with them. Interacting with people will make you learn new things to do better for your business. Some customers will provide you testimonials to keep as a token of appreciation, which will do a lot in promoting your brand to new customers.This is an era of social media/networking. Be it an individual, an enterprise, or an NGO. Everyone would socialize to promote themselves, their products, their services, their work, or anything that could take them to a whole new level.When it comes to building relationships, number does not count. Reach out to as many people as possible, since each and every person will in some way or the other benefit you and your brand. While some will come up with a positive feedback that will act as a motivation for you to do better in future, some will turn to give negative comments, which will again encourage you to improve things and move on to turn these people into your brand’s admirers.It is not only enough to meet people, but remember their names and a few details. The more you show them their value to you, the more they will be returning to you. However, this still does not mean that you are allowed to use flattery.4. Paying Attention To The Visuals – A logo will be something that will reflect on your brand. Keep the same vibrant and engaging, or else, you have the choice of hiring a professional to do the same for you. Think of a big brand like Apple or Mercedes, the logo of the same will strike your mind in a fraction of seconds. These brands have not done anything exceptional, but just created an easy-to-remember, attractive logo and applied effective marketing strategies to promote their brand while ensuring superior quality. This is what you need to do with your brand.Remember to add your company’s logo to each of your products, whether it is a product’s body or its packaging. The message/tagline you have designed for your brand should also accompany the same.Get copyrights for the same, because this is what will make customers recognize your brand and make an impression.5. Organizing Promotional Campaigns or Events-Never forget to organize such campaigns or events, online or offline, which could help people or customers know you better. Among the online methods may come video sharing, or a link to a product launch. You can use YouTube to share a video that is informative and helpful for your customers. Also, you can use Facebook or Twitter to promote your brand in another beautiful and easy way of posting or tweeting anything new about your brand from time to time.You can also advertise your brand on different websites, which would initially require you to spend a few bucks or dollars. But, ultimately it would return you more money depending on the number of clicks and traffic to your website.The Way of Events-Choose this way to gather a huge crowd and promote a new product or service of your company. A corporate event is the most common promotional method used today that helps to a high extent in driving a huge traffic to you and winning their trust too. And if you have that trust of your customers with you, you are at no risk of dwindling or dying out in the long run.Stick to Your SayIf you have succeeded in becoming a renowned brand, or are making all possible efforts to be one, make it a point not to go off the track at any point of time under any circumstance. It is important to maintain the integrity and dignity in any business. You should do and deliver what you promise or commit to your esteemed customers. They are valuable to you since the very beginning of your business; they are your lead generators.